From sound healing to sonic odyssey.

Saturn and Sun Gongs | Vinyasa Productions | Sound Healing Gong Bath Meditations | Denver Colorado

A one-of-a-kind journey.

Relax for a one-of-a-kind sonic experience that transcends the ordinary and takes you on a journey through space and beyond dimensions.

You will take an extraordinary adventure where ethereal sounds and cosmic vibrations merge to create a psychedelic symphony for the soul.

This immersive experience not only ignites your imagination and expands your consciousness but also harmonizes and revitalizes your body.

Allow yourself to be transported to realms unknown, where every note is a gateway to infinite possibilities.

Curious about what it would be like to take a psychedelic vibrational journey?


“Megan and Marshall literally broke up my depression. I had been depressed for nearly 5 years and in one session I felt better. I have more energy, motivation, and positivity than I’ve received from years of talk therapy.”

Gong Waves | Sound Healing | Vinyasa Productions

3-hour Solo Journey

“Megan & Marshall provided such a wonderful experience! Like, over-the-moon wonderful. It grounded me and got me back into my body. And back to myself.

And it brought all of us closer too.”

Meditation | Sound Healing |Vinyasa Productions

3 person; 3-hour Sonic Odyssey

“I feel like it’s almost like my personality changed … in a really positive way. It removed a layer of stress or ick or something. It’s hard to describe but I feel clearer.”

Intentions | Sound Healing | Gong Bath | Vinyasa Productions

3 person; 3-hour Cannabis Sonic Odyssey

“This is Megan and Marshall’s calling. The session I did with them was the most important work that I have ever done.”

Hydrate | Sound Healing | Vinyasa Productions

5-Hour Solo Psilocybin Sonic Odyssey