Over the years of practicing this posture, I have stepped away from the name I was taught in to embrace another: Shanti Virabhadrasana; Peaceful Warrior....

I am so excited it's February! We worked hard in January (theme words, obstacles, path development) and now I want to ride the stress-free wave of all the hard work put in to begin the Co-Creation process of 2018. Besides, February is Heart Health Month, which means heart-openers and Anahata meditations!   I find it highly intriguing that February is founded in a purification ritual and from this space we now associate it with the heart. A transformation that certainly deserves...

February is here. When we think of this month perhaps we think of the super bowl, leap year, the shortest month, and Valentines Day. But do you associate this month with purification rituals?    The Roman month Februarius was named after the Latin term februum, which means purification, via the purification ritual Februa held on February 15 (full moon) in the old lunar Roman calendar. - Wikipedia   I love the idea that this month is about purification. We're coming out of the dark, winter phases...