Heart Communications | Sound Healing | Vinyasa Productions | Denver

Communications from the heart

Our heart communications Our heart communications are strong. During my recent explorations of the heart space, I came across the idea that the heart has more ways to communicate than the brain. This is an impressive shift from the traditional train of thinking that the brain is the hub of all communications. But after a …

Heart Communications | Sound Healing | Vinyasa Productions | Denver

Saxcerpt – Nourish your heart

I am so excited it’s February! We worked hard in January (theme words, obstacles, path development) and now I want to ride the stress-free wave of all the hard work put in to begin the Co-Creation process of 2018. Besides, February is Heart Health Month, which means heart-openers and Anahata meditations!   I find it highly …

Saxcerpt: One step in front of the other

Last week we looked at the obstacles before us. I’ve been reminding myself as I review mine, that I have chosen them. With each intention/resolution that we place before us, we choose the associated challenges. It is our choice to grow in the ways that we invite in through the cultivation of our desires.   [serious-slider …

Saxcerpt: What’s in your way?

Earlier this month I shared a powerful practice I began last year. I shifted my opinions toward resolutions to encompass the powerful concept of intentions. But setting our intentions isn’t enough to manifest them. We need to do the work. As we move forward into January, I encourage you to consider the obstacles that are before …

Saxcerpt: 2018 Theme Words

It’s that time of year where we are setting intentions and resolutions. Last year, I wanted to strengthen the energies surrounding this space. I extrapolated from my intentions and resolutions and chose “theme words” that encompassed them. Words like compassion and beauty emerged.  I created a Mala to remind me every day of my words …