[caption id="attachment_1119" align="alignright" width="400"] My 2018 Mala. Each "marker" bead represents a different word with grounding onyx stones in between for repetition.[/caption] It's that time of year where we are setting intentions and resolutions. Last year, I wanted to strengthen the energies surrounding this space. I extrapolated from my intentions and resolutions and chose "theme words" that encompassed them. Words like compassion and beauty emerged.  I created a Mala to remind me every day of my...

Thoughts + Prayers = Useless   Last week I was scrolling through my Facebook feed in a mindless and uncommitted way. My friends' profile caught my eye. Now, this particular friend is funny. I've known her since college and I associate her with humor so I was excited about what she had posted.  As I took action to zero in on her post, I saw some languidly outstretched cats that immediately made me yawn and the words,...

Our brain waves are produced as electromagnetic frequency through the brains pulsations and vibrations. Varying brain-wave activity correlates with a specific spectrum of frequencies. We hear about these when studying the affects of meditation, binaural beats, and sound healing on the brain as well as in dreamstate studies. Here is a quick run-down of what each of the waves is and what they are associated with:   Beta Waves(14-20 Hz):  are found in our normal waking state...

Visionary doctors and quantum physicists are now echoing what ancient civilizations once suggested: everything is vibration. In fact, many religions and spiritual paths have understandings that the world was created through sound. Here are a few examples of beliefs that the world was created through sound:   In the book of Genesis, from the Old Testament, one of the first statements is: "And God said, Let there be light." In the Gospel according to John, from...