Public Sound Journey Events

Transmuting frequency into tonic…

Saturn and Sun Gongs | Vinyasa Productions | Sound Healing Gong Bath Meditations | Denver Colorado

Relax, Release, Rejuvenate

Relax into a subtle plane of yogic sleep as you are gently guided through a mind, body, and spirit-aligning meditation.  Enter into an ancient state of human consciousness, somewhere between waking and sleeping, preparing all systems for your Sacred Sonic Odyssey.

Release into the cosmic and fully enveloping soundscape of your Sacred Sonic Odyssey.  Tonally powered by Paiste planet gongs, ancient Himalayan singing bowls, gemstone crystal bowls, drums, rattles, and more, an otherworldly space emerges, offering various opportunities to introspectively discharge trauma, attain insightful downloads, and voyage through new realms.  

Rejuvenate beyond your Sacred Sonic Odyssey.  Deep reflection and a renewed, refreshed sense of self await you during a profound, echoes-fueled integration of your experience.  Hydrate, flush out, and radiate through the days (and nights) that follow…

Upcoming Sacred Sonic Odyssey
October 5, 2024
Rocky Mountain Miracle Center
Reserve your space today.

Your hosts: Megan & Marshall 

A Colorado native, Megan Sax began her yogic journey more than two decades ago.  She has since been transforming pathfinders’ lives through a uniquely skilled conveyance of yoga teachings, meditation, chanting, and sacred music, opening healing aethers through which to safely traverse via movement, mind, and breath.

Born and raised in NYC, Marshall Bendelac moved to Denver in 2001.  Today, he continues along a lifelong musical path (that began at a young age playing several piano recitals at Carnegie Hall as a child), delivering a symphonic potency to your Sacred Sonic Odyssey.

Since 2014, we have together been pioneering curated, hallowed yogic & sonic spaces for introspective journeyers.  Spanning Colorado to the Chapel of Sacred Mirrors in New York, it continues to be our honor to host you for a special, sonically crafted experience in which you will be invited to relax, explore, and heal.  

Pushing the envelope, watching it bend…

With love and gratitude,


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